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Temporal Cove w/ Smilegoth & The Radio Dept

Los Angeles, 04.12.23

Today, smilegoth is honored and thrilled to invite Swedish indie band The Radio Dept onto Temporal Cove for a guest mix. The Radio Dept. (formed in 2001) is composed of Johan Duncanson and Martin Carlberg. Their unique sonic delivery ranges from shoegaze to electronic to acoustic rock, and were and remain a pivotal act to indie music. Their debut album "Lesser Matters" was re-released with XL Recordings and their tracks such as "Pulling Our Weight" and "Keen on Boys" were heard on the soundtrack for Sofia Coppola's cult classic Marie Antoinette. Albums such as Clinging to a Scheme (2010) and Pet Grief (2006) demonstrate the band's effortless ability to create emotive and almost nostalgic music, music that we all can relate and feel to.
