Music historian and author of ‘Coltrane: The Story of a Sound’, Ben Ratliff, explores the musician’s early family life, highlighting his time playing in military bands as well as Coltrane's influences from jazz greats of the 1930-40s.
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At the heart of this mix lies the authentic Ukrainian folk polyphony, painstakingly researched and astonishingly performed by the Drevo ensemble. I put it into the broader European context, complementing it with unconventionally raw Early Music recordings by Graindelavoix and Ensemble Organum, as well as some helpful bridging-the-gap digressions, like traditional Sardinian polyphonic singing by Tenores de Oniferi, eastern orthodox hymns brought to life by the Kyiv Chamber Choir and recent renditions of the Ukrainian baroque partes-songs by the Partes Ensemble.
At the heart of this mix lies the authentic Ukrainian folk polyphony, painstakingly researched and astonishingly performed by the Drevo ensemble. I put it into the broader European context, complementing it with unconventionally raw Early Music recordings by Graindelavoix and Ensemble Organum, as well as some helpful bridging-the-gap digressions, like traditional Sardinian polyphonic singing by Tenores de Oniferi, eastern orthodox hymns brought to life by the Kyiv Chamber Choir and recent renditions of the Ukrainian baroque partes-songs by the Partes Ensemble.
Ensemble DrevoEnsemble Drevo Oy U Poli
Tenore De OniferiTenore De Oniferi Gosos Di San Gavino