Given all life leads to jazz we might as well take the scenic route. An uncanny hour of words and music from producer Phil Smith. Carefully formulated but never formulaic, an inclusive hour of the straight-ahead and the experimental.
Given all life leads to jazz we might as well take the scenic route. An uncanny hour of words and music from producer Phil Smith. Carefully formulated but never formulaic, an inclusive hour of the straight-ahead and the experimental.
Phil SmithPhil Smith Overnight Train, Odessa To Lviv (2017-06-26)
Zac GviZac Gvi The Aftermath (Reprise)
Phil SmithPhil Smith Distant Train Station, Morning, Lviv (2017-06-24)
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Mare NostrumMare Nostrum Monteverdi: Si Dolce È Il Tormento (Live Bootleg)
Phil SmithPhil Smith Thunder, Morning, Ivano Frankivsky (2017-06-23)
Phil SmithPhil Smith Overnight Train, Snoring, Lviv To Odessa (2017-06-25)
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