Liquid Mirror is the aural exploration of all intersections of ethereality with musician and artist Olive Kimoto. Interpreted eclectically, the monthly broadcast ranges from shoegaze and dream pop, to electronic and experimental.
Today’s show is dedicated to the many forms a distorted wall of noise can take. Focusing on tracks at the edges of shoegaze - whether it’s remixes blurring the lines between genres, shoegaze bands of the new generation, or electronic experimentations with a shoegaze mentality.
Liquid Mirror is the aural exploration of all intersections of ethereality with musician and artist Olive Kimoto. Interpreted eclectically, the monthly broadcast ranges from shoegaze and dream pop, to electronic and experimental.
Today’s show is dedicated to the many forms a distorted wall of noise can take. Focusing on tracks at the edges of shoegaze - whether it’s remixes blurring the lines between genres, shoegaze bands of the new generation, or electronic experimentations with a shoegaze mentality.
SlowdiveSlowdive (Avalon EmersonAvalon Emerson mix) Sugar For The Pill (Avalon Emerson's Gilded Escalation)