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Labour w/ Alioune Mbaye Nder
Labour w/ Alioune Mbaye Nder
27.01.24 · DAKAR

Labour w/ Alioune Mbaye Nder

This month’s show features the great living singer and bandleader from Senegal, Alioune Mbaye Nder famous for his band Le Setsima Group. Hailing from the Mbaye family, he added the sabar drum Nder to his artist name, which refers to the tallest open bottom sabar drum which is typically the lead drum in the sabar ensemble.

Collaborating with many previous guests on this show such as Mbaye Dieye Faye, Fallou Dieng, Thio Mbaye and Ndongo Lo, this show mostly features tracks from his 1997 release "Lenëen," his 1998 release "Aladji" and his 2000 release "Super Thiof" with his longstanding sabar players Talla Seck and Lamine Touré, before closing with two new tracks released in late 2023 to celebrate 30 years of artistry: "Sëy Yi" and "Africa."

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