‘When we refuse… we create dissonance and more importantly, we allow dissonance to continue.’ - from Jack Halberstam’s introduction to the Undercommons.
Disruptive music for broken times. Queering, Unlearning, Fragments and Imaginings.
‘When we refuse… we create dissonance and more importantly, we allow dissonance to continue.’ - from Jack Halberstam’s introduction to the Undercommons.
Disruptive music for broken times. Queering, Unlearning, Fragments and Imaginings.
Artwork by Harry King
Garden of GethsemaneGarden of Gethsemane When We Smelled The Breeze After The Rain
Lexapro PowerballLexapro Powerball Alarm
Jamire WilliamsJamire Williams Opus 3: In Seven Parts (Excerpt)