Russian music from the 90s is still quite unknown. Although that period was pretty intense for underground movements that all had a touch of punk. This mix was made mostly from lo-fi tracks of different kinds from that decade when politics, music and poetry were closely tied together.
mix compiled by Alexey Artamonov, film critic, festival curator, mixed by Pavel Milyakov
Russian music from the 90s is still quite unknown. Although that period was pretty intense for underground movements that all had a touch of punk. This mix was made mostly from lo-fi tracks of different kinds from that decade when politics, music and poetry were closely tied together.
mix compiled by Alexey Artamonov, film critic, festival curator, mixed by Pavel Milyakov
Tikhiy ZaychikTikhiy Zaychik Horosho Bit’ Molodym
Kontora KukaKontora Kuka Doroga Na Yuzhnyi Most
Lisichkin HlebLisichkin Hleb Tyoplaya Trassa
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Belaya GoryachkaBelaya Goryachka Raduga
Divan YankelyaDivan Yankelya Sekuschaya Ploskost
DKDK Vermut Mutno-Rozoviy
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DyaDya Hugo-Ugo Na Balkone
N.O.ZH.N.O.ZH. Odnoklassnik
Hey Jud StrukturaHey Jud Struktura The Sky Is Blue