Digging with Flo: Season Two

10.01.24 words by Niall McKenna

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Following last year's chats at the allotment with folks like OK Williams, Mark Leckey, and Brix Smith, Flo Dill returns for another season of Digging. Because it’s often whilst you’re busy doing something with your hands that the best conversations happen...

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Season 2, Episode 6: Shy One

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This week, in the final episode of Digging Season 2, Flo is with fellow NTS host Shy One. Shy is a producer and DJ who started aged 13 making grime instrumentals for this emerging London scene. Now a celebrated DJ and musician, she’s played in clubs and festivals across the world, and is loved for her musically deep, eclectic sets.

In this episode Flo and Shy One plant out tiny baby leeks and discuss their very different experiences in the seminal internet chat community MSN, Shy’s classy musical upbringing, and her early years watching classic British comedy Smack the Pony with her mum.

Season 2, Episode 6: Shy One
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This week, in the final episode of Digging Season 2, Flo is with fellow NTS host Shy One. Shy is a producer and DJ who started aged 13 making grime instrumentals for this emerging London scene. Now a celebrated DJ and musician, she’s played in clubs and festivals across the world, and is loved for her musically deep, eclectic sets.

In this episode Flo and Shy One plant out tiny baby leeks and discuss their very different experiences in the seminal internet chat community MSN, Shy’s classy musical upbringing, and her early years watching classic British comedy Smack the Pony with her mum.

Season 2, Episode 5: Penny Rimbaud
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In this special non-gardening edition of Digging, Flo is spending time with Penny Rimbaud in his garden. Penny is a founding member of the anarcho-punk band Crass and performance group EXIT, as well as a poet, writer and philosopher. In this episode Penny gives Flo a tour of the garden and ‘sheds’ at Dial House, the radical open house he established in the 1960s. They discuss his approach to meditation and philosophy as well as Penny’s various tattoos.

Season 2, Episode 4: Slauson Malone 1
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Back on the plot with Slauson Malone 1, formerly Slauson Malone, also known as Jasper Marsalis. Jasper is a painter, sculptor and musician who currently lives in Los Angeles. His work in music feels like a form of collage; of narratives, sounds and references.

In this episode Flo and Jasper are appealing to Jasper’s perfectionist qualities and planting out garlic. They discuss the music that Jasper is currently fake listening to; his respect and fear of cooking and appreciation of dumb but useful items, like the dibber - which is well used in this episode.

## Season 2, Episode 3: Tirzah
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Today Flo’s off the plot and into the garden of English musician Tirzah. One of the most enduring exponents of weird and wonderful music, Tirzah has released a string of acclaimed albums, and works in close collaboration with other musicians, namely school friend Mica Levi.

In this episode Flo and Tirzah are planting onion seeds and broad beans into seed trays to be grown inside, until they’re ready to be planted out on the allotment. Whilst they set about this task they discuss the delicate business of karaoke, the musical impact of exiting Jehovah’s Witnesses, motherhood, and the art of collaboration.

Season 2, Episode 2: Sainté
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Today’s guest digger is rising UK rapper Sainté: originally from Leicester, this charismatic artist is an accidental musician: forced to rethink his promising basketball career due to the pandemic, he uploaded a song born out of a freestyle on the bus on the way to practice, and the internet did the rest.

In this episode Flo and Sainté plant out raspberry canes as they discuss Sainté’s career so far, his aspirations of opening his own cafe, and early memories of growing the wrong kind of peas at his mum’s allotment.

Season 2, Episode 1: Jeremy Deller
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In this first episode, she’s joined by English contemporary artist Jeremy Deller. The Turner Prize winner often weaves music and pop culture into his art, which tends to be politically focused and collaborative in nature. In this episode of Digging, Deller and Flo attempt to bridge the gaps between Take That, William Morris and the lost magic of the jumble sale, whilst planting out strawberries to overwinter on the plot.

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