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LSO Percussion Ensemble

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LSO Percussion Ensemble

LSO Percussion Ensemble has been played on NTS in shows including Illum Sphere, featured first on 9 November 2014. Songs played include Clapping Music.

The LSO Percussion Ensemble comprises members of the London Symphony Orchestra’s percussion section as well as distinguished orchestral players with enviable reputations. If you are a classical music lover, you will have heard them on countless LSO recordings, as well as in the concert hall. The Ensemble enjoys an international following and embarked on a tour of Japan in 2018.

Their highly successful recording of music by Steve Reich for LSO Live has become the best-selling physical product on the label in…

Clapping Music
Steve Reich, LSO Percussion Ensemble
LSO Live2016
Clapping Music
Steve Reich, LSO Percussion EnsembleLSO Live2016