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HEX has been played on NTS shows including Questing w/ Zakia, with Jazzstep first played on 9 June 2017.

Hex may refer to one of several bands: 1) Hex is a Slovak pop rock group, founded in 1989 in Bratislava with Peter Ďuďo Dudák (vocals, guitar, keyboards), Thomas Yxo Dohňanský (bass guitar, vocals), Jozef Joshka Juřička (keyboards), Peter Slameň (percussion ) Martin Fefe Žúži (guitar). The group became known to the media after it took producer Martin Sarvas and the issue maxisinglu song "Good Butterfly" in music publishing Monitor EMI, which has become, along with video clips thanks to its hranosti first hit in the media group.

Skupina začala byť mediálne známa po tom ako sa jej ujal producent Martin Sarvaš a po vydaní maxisinglu piesne "Dobrý motýľ" u hudobného vydavateľstva Monitor EMI , ktorý sa stal spolu s videoklipom vďaka svojej hranosti v médiách prvým hitom skupiny.

Zostava/ Line-up

* Peter "Ďuďo" Dudák - spev, gitara, klávesy Peter "Dudo" piper - vocals, guitar, keyboards * Tomáš "Yxo" Dohňanský - basa Tomas' Yxo "Dohňanský - basa * Martin "Fefe" Žúži - sólo gitara, texty Martin "Fefe" narrow - solo guitar, lyrics * Tibor "Tybyke" Szabados - bicie, vokály Tibor "Tybyke" Szabados - drums, vocals

Former members:

Martin Čorej - klávesy Martin Čorej - keyboards Jožko Juríčka - klávesy Joshka Juřička - keyboards

Diskografia /] Discography

Albumy / Albums

* Ježiš Kristus nosí krátke nohavice (október 1992) Jesus Christ wearing shorts (October 1992) * Abrakadabra (september 1993) - EP album coveverzií slovenských hitov z rokov 1968-69 Abrakadabra (September 1993) - EP album coveverzií Slovak hits from the years 1968-69 * Hex (december 1994) Hex (December 1994) * Ultrapop (máj 1997) Ultrapop (May 1997) * Supermarket (apríl 1999) Supermarket (April 1999) * Víkend (november 2002) Weekend (November 2002) * Nikdy nebolo lepšie (máj 2006) Never Been Better (May 2006)

Výbery a kompilácie/Withdrawals and compilations

* Všetko čo mám rád (2000) All what I like (2000) * Hex 1990 - 1995 (2006) Hex 1990 - 1995 (2006) * Hex 1996 - 2000 (2006) Hex 1996 - 2000 (2006)


* Cesta z mesta (2007) Traveling from the City (2007)

2) UK 80's anarcho punk band similar to dark moody sound of the anarcho bands like The Mob or Zounds

3) The collaboration between multi-instrumentalist, lyricist, producer Steve Kilbey, better known as singer, frontman and bassplayer in The Church, and singer, musician Donnette Thayer, formerly from californian band Game Theory. They released 2 albums: *Hex (1989) *Vast Halos (1990)

Check out Hex in the left menu, for detailed info on all releases and the song lyrics, in the side-project section of the online discography of The Church.

4) Hex is also the name of a underground artist from Pennsylvania and former member of L.U Cipha

5) Chaotic hardcore five-piece hailing from Peterborough, UK. Having formed in 2008 and released several demos alongside a self-titled debut EP followed by a second EP entitled 'Left Hand Path', Hex have firmly established themselves as a top contender in the UK hardcore scene having already supported bands such as This Is Hell, Grave Maker, Outbreak, The Legacy, Gold Kids, etc. with crushingly dark riffs accompanied by harsh, aggressive vocals to complete a powerful and energetic performance.

Having released 'Left Hand Path' and first music video, for 'Leviathan', Sam Gollings left the band to concentrate on his education, to which Hex recruited ex-Shores bassit, Luke Porter, to fill his role, bringing with him passion, experience and a brand new fanbase. With this, Hex had a defined line-up and began to play shows to a wider audience and around the UK.

24th June 2010 saw Hex self-release their debut album, 'Be Cold, Be Dark, Be Damned', and second music video for their song 'Sore', created, released and promoted by Creative Junkie Media.

Ben Rollings - Vocals Stephen Pickles - Guitar Luke Porter - Guitar Sam Holmes - Bass Karl Pickles - Drums

Former members are: Mark Breed - Bass Sam Gollings - Guitar

5) A Drum & Bass duo from the UK: Hex is Robert Pepperell & Miles Visman. Discography at Discogs

6) The Scottish gothic-bluegrass band formed c.1990 from the remnants of Swamptrash and before Bongshang

7) A Baltimore based ambient noise/drone project by Jessie Griffin.

8) Hex are Crossover electro-punk group from Slovenia who loves shaking crowd. We try to implement early metal and punk feel in new genres like drum'n'bass, dubstep and electro. Electro - drum'n'bass - punks who love art, high volume and adrenaline presence.

9) Hex - dream pop | synth pop band from US. Formed 1988, disbanded 1990. Members: Steve Kilbey (guitar), Donnette Thayer (vocals). They released two albums: Hex [1989] Hex [First Warning Records] Hex [1990] Vast Halos [Rykodisc]

10) New Zealand proto folk rock group.

11) hex. (in small caps with period) is an alternative rock band from Eindhoven, The Netherlands formed in 2016. The band's eclectic style ranges from dream pop to hardcore punk. In November 2018, the formation self-produced and released their first singles, DEAD BOYS and MARCH 3RD, followed by their punk-infused one-off single PERISH SONG.

12) A Doom Death Metal band from Basque Country ( Spain ) formed in 2012.

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HEX has been played on NTS shows including Questing w/ Zakia, with Jazzstep first played on 9 June 2017.

Hex may refer to one of several bands: 1) Hex is a Slovak pop rock group, founded in 1989 in Bratislava with Peter Ďuďo Dudák (vocals, guitar, keyboards), Thomas Yxo Dohňanský (bass guitar, vocals), Jozef Joshka Juřička (keyboards), Peter Slameň (percussion ) Martin Fefe Žúži (guitar). The group became known to the media after it took producer Martin Sarvas and the issue maxisinglu song "Good Butterfly" in music publishing Monitor EMI, which has become, along with video clips thanks to its hranosti first hit in the media group.

Skupina začala byť mediálne známa po tom ako sa jej ujal producent Martin Sarvaš a po vydaní maxisinglu piesne "Dobrý motýľ" u hudobného vydavateľstva Monitor EMI , ktorý sa stal spolu s videoklipom vďaka svojej hranosti v médiách prvým hitom skupiny.

Zostava/ Line-up

* Peter "Ďuďo" Dudák - spev, gitara, klávesy Peter "Dudo" piper - vocals, guitar, keyboards * Tomáš "Yxo" Dohňanský - basa Tomas' Yxo "Dohňanský - basa * Martin "Fefe" Žúži - sólo gitara, texty Martin "Fefe" narrow - solo guitar, lyrics * Tibor "Tybyke" Szabados - bicie, vokály Tibor "Tybyke" Szabados - drums, vocals

Former members:

Martin Čorej - klávesy Martin Čorej - keyboards Jožko Juríčka - klávesy Joshka Juřička - keyboards

Diskografia /] Discography

Albumy / Albums

* Ježiš Kristus nosí krátke nohavice (október 1992) Jesus Christ wearing shorts (October 1992) * Abrakadabra (september 1993) - EP album coveverzií slovenských hitov z rokov 1968-69 Abrakadabra (September 1993) - EP album coveverzií Slovak hits from the years 1968-69 * Hex (december 1994) Hex (December 1994) * Ultrapop (máj 1997) Ultrapop (May 1997) * Supermarket (apríl 1999) Supermarket (April 1999) * Víkend (november 2002) Weekend (November 2002) * Nikdy nebolo lepšie (máj 2006) Never Been Better (May 2006)

Výbery a kompilácie/Withdrawals and compilations

* Všetko čo mám rád (2000) All what I like (2000) * Hex 1990 - 1995 (2006) Hex 1990 - 1995 (2006) * Hex 1996 - 2000 (2006) Hex 1996 - 2000 (2006)


* Cesta z mesta (2007) Traveling from the City (2007)

2) UK 80's anarcho punk band similar to dark moody sound of the anarcho bands like The Mob or Zounds

3) The collaboration between multi-instrumentalist, lyricist, producer Steve Kilbey, better known as singer, frontman and bassplayer in The Church, and singer, musician Donnette Thayer, formerly from californian band Game Theory. They released 2 albums: *Hex (1989) *Vast Halos (1990)

Check out Hex in the left menu, for detailed info on all releases and the song lyrics, in the side-project section of the online discography of The Church.

4) Hex is also the name of a underground artist from Pennsylvania and former member of L.U Cipha

5) Chaotic hardcore five-piece hailing from Peterborough, UK. Having formed in 2008 and released several demos alongside a self-titled debut EP followed by a second EP entitled 'Left Hand Path', Hex have firmly established themselves as a top contender in the UK hardcore scene having already supported bands such as This Is Hell, Grave Maker, Outbreak, The Legacy, Gold Kids, etc. with crushingly dark riffs accompanied by harsh, aggressive vocals to complete a powerful and energetic performance.

Having released 'Left Hand Path' and first music video, for 'Leviathan', Sam Gollings left the band to concentrate on his education, to which Hex recruited ex-Shores bassit, Luke Porter, to fill his role, bringing with him passion, experience and a brand new fanbase. With this, Hex had a defined line-up and began to play shows to a wider audience and around the UK.

24th June 2010 saw Hex self-release their debut album, 'Be Cold, Be Dark, Be Damned', and second music video for their song 'Sore', created, released and promoted by Creative Junkie Media.

Ben Rollings - Vocals Stephen Pickles - Guitar Luke Porter - Guitar Sam Holmes - Bass Karl Pickles - Drums

Former members are: Mark Breed - Bass Sam Gollings - Guitar

5) A Drum & Bass duo from the UK: Hex is Robert Pepperell & Miles Visman. Discography at Discogs

6) The Scottish gothic-bluegrass band formed c.1990 from the remnants of Swamptrash and before Bongshang

7) A Baltimore based ambient noise/drone project by Jessie Griffin.

8) Hex are Crossover electro-punk group from Slovenia who loves shaking crowd. We try to implement early metal and punk feel in new genres like drum'n'bass, dubstep and electro. Electro - drum'n'bass - punks who love art, high volume and adrenaline presence.

9) Hex - dream pop | synth pop band from US. Formed 1988, disbanded 1990. Members: Steve Kilbey (guitar), Donnette Thayer (vocals). They released two albums: Hex [1989] Hex [First Warning Records] Hex [1990] Vast Halos [Rykodisc]

10) New Zealand proto folk rock group.

11) hex. (in small caps with period) is an alternative rock band from Eindhoven, The Netherlands formed in 2016. The band's eclectic style ranges from dream pop to hardcore punk. In November 2018, the formation self-produced and released their first singles, DEAD BOYS and MARCH 3RD, followed by their punk-infused one-off single PERISH SONG.

12) A Doom Death Metal band from Basque Country ( Spain ) formed in 2012.

Original source

Tracks featured on

Most played tracks

Tropicália 14
Toshio Matsuura, HEX
Blue Note2014
Dahsur Waltz
Toshio Matsuura, HEX
Blue Note2014
Hello To The Wind
Toshio Matsuura, HEX feat. Grey Reverend
Blue Note2014
Uncensored Love Transmission
Toshio Matsuura, HEX
Blue Note2014
Toshio Matsuura, HEX
Blue Note2014
Dahsur Waltz
松浦俊夫, HEX
Blue Note2013
松浦俊夫, HEX
Blue Note2013
Hello To The Wind
松浦 俊夫, HEX feat. Grey Reverend