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An ectotherm is an organism reliant on environmental sources of heat to regulate body temperature. Ectotherm is also a Copenhagen-based record label founded by Courtesy and Mama Snake, home to releases from Schacke, Rune Bagge and Ibon.

Marco Effe

Marco Effe

Marco Effe has been played on NTS in shows including Ben Sims Presents: Run It Red, featured first on 28 May 2017. Songs played include Hysteria (Marco Effe Remix) and Road Maps.

Born and raised in Livorno in 1985, Marco Effe is con­sid­ered to be one of the most promis­ing Ital­ian tal­ents. Within an extremely short time span, Marco is rais­ing up and man­aged to achieve world­wide recog­ni­tion. This has mainly to do with his remark­able pro­duc­tions, which have found their way into the DJ cases of all inter­na­tional global play­ers. It was the year 2007 when Marco began to com­pose his own music and imme­di­ately felt the grow­ing desire to pub­lish his first release. And so he did, “Wet June EP” was released in Novem­ber 2008. His first out­put gave him imme­di­ate recog­ni­tion and was a great success!

From that moment on this thriv­ing new­comer never looked back and Marco used the given oppor­tu­nity to improve his busi­ness rela­tion­ships. The final result, he ended up work­ing together with the estab­lished label Big City Beats (Frank­furt). Marco’s tal­ent is finally revealed and his career really gets started. 2010 he does it again, the “Malaysia/Muar EP” (one of his EP’s numer­ously played by Richie Hawtin in that year) once again made its impact and influ­enced the entire global club scene. This land­mark release found its home on Break New Soil, Gre­gor Tresher’s mar­velous label. This allowed him to get in touch with Tresher´s book­ing agency, enabling him to become a mem­ber of their inter­na­tion­ally star stud­ded fam­ily affairs roster.

In spring 2010 he returns with a new release on the album “Cécille Italy”. His track is called “Janet” and clearly show­cases his unmis­tak­able House/Tech-House style. His ensu­ing “From Kalida To Hyden EP”, pub­lished on Dub­fire’s bril­liant label “Sci+Tec” and is an ele­gant musi­cal jour­ney into sonority.

Marco Effe moved to Berlin in 2011 and a year later he releases “Jel­lied Eels” on Cocoon’s Dots & Pearls 2” It’s easy to hear why this has been sit­ting in the sets of Sven Väth and Luciano for some time. Marco Effe is also part of “Raw Verse” a new alias he uses to pro­duce spe­cial tracks receiv­ing recog­ni­tion world­wide. Marco is by now with­out a doubt a young and extremely ambi­tious artist, who can already put a check mark behind most of the top rank­ing events and clubs in Europe, such as the Water­gate Berlin, Time Warp Italy, Cocoon Club Frank­furt, Stu­dio 80 Ams­ter­dam, Sankeys Man­ches­ter, Harry Klein Munich, and many more. The high-class labels such as Break New Soil, Cécille, Sci+Tec, Tronic, Cocoon Record­ings are appro­pri­ate for all his lat­est releases.

Thanks to his superb tech­ni­cal skills, his truly unique DJ sets, his abil­ity to con­quer every crowd with his amus­ing and delight­ful style, Marco Effe is at the fore­front of today´s elec­tronic music scene!

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Marco Effe

Marco Effe has been played on NTS in shows including Ben Sims Presents: Run It Red, featured first on 28 May 2017. Songs played include Hysteria (Marco Effe Remix) and Road Maps.

Born and raised in Livorno in 1985, Marco Effe is con­sid­ered to be one of the most promis­ing Ital­ian tal­ents. Within an extremely short time span, Marco is rais­ing up and man­aged to achieve world­wide recog­ni­tion. This has mainly to do with his remark­able pro­duc­tions, which have found their way into the DJ cases of all inter­na­tional global play­ers. It was the year 2007 when Marco began to com­pose his own music and imme­di­ately felt the grow­ing desire to pub­lish his first release. And so he did, “Wet June EP” was released in Novem­ber 2008. His first out­put gave him imme­di­ate recog­ni­tion and was a great success!

From that moment on this thriv­ing new­comer never looked back and Marco used the given oppor­tu­nity to improve his busi­ness rela­tion­ships. The final result, he ended up work­ing together with the estab­lished label Big City Beats (Frank­furt). Marco’s tal­ent is finally revealed and his career really gets started. 2010 he does it again, the “Malaysia/Muar EP” (one of his EP’s numer­ously played by Richie Hawtin in that year) once again made its impact and influ­enced the entire global club scene. This land­mark release found its home on Break New Soil, Gre­gor Tresher’s mar­velous label. This allowed him to get in touch with Tresher´s book­ing agency, enabling him to become a mem­ber of their inter­na­tion­ally star stud­ded fam­ily affairs roster.

In spring 2010 he returns with a new release on the album “Cécille Italy”. His track is called “Janet” and clearly show­cases his unmis­tak­able House/Tech-House style. His ensu­ing “From Kalida To Hyden EP”, pub­lished on Dub­fire’s bril­liant label “Sci+Tec” and is an ele­gant musi­cal jour­ney into sonority.

Marco Effe moved to Berlin in 2011 and a year later he releases “Jel­lied Eels” on Cocoon’s Dots & Pearls 2” It’s easy to hear why this has been sit­ting in the sets of Sven Väth and Luciano for some time. Marco Effe is also part of “Raw Verse” a new alias he uses to pro­duce spe­cial tracks receiv­ing recog­ni­tion world­wide. Marco is by now with­out a doubt a young and extremely ambi­tious artist, who can already put a check mark behind most of the top rank­ing events and clubs in Europe, such as the Water­gate Berlin, Time Warp Italy, Cocoon Club Frank­furt, Stu­dio 80 Ams­ter­dam, Sankeys Man­ches­ter, Harry Klein Munich, and many more. The high-class labels such as Break New Soil, Cécille, Sci+Tec, Tronic, Cocoon Record­ings are appro­pri­ate for all his lat­est releases.

Thanks to his superb tech­ni­cal skills, his truly unique DJ sets, his abil­ity to con­quer every crowd with his amus­ing and delight­ful style, Marco Effe is at the fore­front of today´s elec­tronic music scene!

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Tracks featured on

Most played tracks

Hysteria (Marco Effe Remix)
Hush & Sleep (Marco Effe mix)
Etruria Beat2017
Road Maps
Marco Effe
Planet Rhythm Records2017